Our Policies
Parent/Family Engagement
Watch Us Grow Learning Center encourage family involvement in our daily activities we have learn that children enjoy learning the most when the family and community are involved. Parent involvement is encouraged at our center and welcomed at any time to visit during the hours of operation. We try in transitioning the child from home to daycare to make the transition as comfortable as possible. Parent’s may request a meeting at any time to discuss child care related concerns. Watch Us Grow has a Parent Committee that is committed to supporting the improvement of Watch US Grow. If you would like to learn more about our parent advisory committee and ways to join, please schedule a time to meet with the Director.
Watch Us Grow Child Care Learning Center values communication with our parents. On our parent board, we will post the following:
· § 3270 Child Center Regulations
· Monthly Updates
· Child Center Policies
· Food Menu
· License Certification
· Emergency Plan
Child’s Arrival and departure
Parent’s should wait patiently in the waiting area for a Watch Us Grow staff to drop off and retrieve their child.
Please review the Watch Us Grow drop off policy for approved drop off times for your child.
Once parent’s sign their child out, the child becomes the parent’s full responsibility and the parent must supervise the child always.
If there are any specific instructions for the day the parent’s must notify staff through written
Each classroom will maintain a daily log of the children of the day for staff to have knowledge of number and whereabouts of all children.
Please do not arrive before scheduled arrival time, or later after departure scheduled time
Extra fees will be applied*
Children will only be released to those listed on their enrollment form
If unfamiliar persons are granted permission to pick up child/children, the parent must give verbal or written instruction/permission and staff will have to fill out a Verbal Request for Release of Child Form and individuals must be 18 years or older to pick up a Watch Us Grow participant. Identification must be presented when picking up the child.
Children will be released to any parent list on the enrollment package, unless there is not a court order listed in the child’s file, with specific instructions.
If the parent or authorized person arrives to pick up a child and appears to be intoxicated or under the influence the child will not be released. All reasonable steps will be taken, such as contacting another person for the child’s departure.
If we feel the child is in danger we will follow protocol and notify the police*
Staff are required to do a health check on each child each morning. If there are any bruises located on the child, they are required to notate information on to the child’s medical log. Staff are mandated reporters and are required to report any suspicion of physical, emotional and sexual child abuse
Smoking is not allowed on the child care premises (including Parking Lot)
Outdoor Play
Regular outdoor play is an important part of your child’s growth and development. We follow the guidelines and accreditation criteria established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). All age groups play outdoors except when the severity of weather or air quality poses a safety hazard.
In cold weather children will remain inside when the wind chill temperature is 25 degrees or below. The length of time spent outside will be gauged by the comfort level of the children. All children should come with appropriate outerwear to protect them in seasonal conditions. Snow pants and boots should be supplied on days when there is snow on the ground or in the forecast. Rain boots should be supplied to allow children the freedom to explore the puddles after a rain.
In extremely hot weather we will continue to go outside unless advised otherwise by the national weather service. Teachers will provide plenty of drinking water and shade. Children should bring hats as well as swimwear and towels for water play.
Family Involvement
Family involvement is an integral part of a quality program for young children.
— Joshua Brown, Director
Family Involvement
Family involvement is an integral part of a quality program for young children. We encourage family involvement in our program in several ways. Parents can serve on the Watch Us Grow Child Care Learning Center Advisory Committee, donate materials to the classroom or accompany the class on field trips. Families are also very welcome to participate in the classroom. Classroom participation can take many forms and can include but is not limited to the following examples: Storytelling and book reading, sharing musical instruments, sharing special interests and/or hobbies, and sharing information about your family’s cultural heritage. Please talk with your program Director about opportunities for you to become involved in your child’s classroom.
Language Policy
Dual language learners—children between the ages of 0-8 who are in the process of learning English while still learning their home language.
English Language Learners
Watch Us Grow Child Care Learning Center has numerous children, families, and staff whose first language is other than English. Several children enrolled in Watch Us Grow enroll with little/no English-speaking experience. As the Watch Us Grow community is diverse, the teachers and staff of Watch Us Grow have much experience supporting English language learners and their families.
Watch Us Grow uses this developmental sequence for young children learning a new language:
1. Home language use: There may be a period when a child continues to use his/her home language; this may be more evident in younger children.
2. Observational and listening period: When the child discovers that their home language may not be understood in the new setting they begin to observe and listen to gather information about the new language. They may experiment with the new sounds during this time. Some children may stop speaking, but do not stop communicating (think non-verbal communication). Younger children (toddlers) may be in the observational/listening period for longer than preschoolers.
3. Telegraphic and formulaic speech: The child will begin to use individual words and short phrases in the new language. They may use a single word in place of a full sentence and use words/short phrases in situations that they’ve observed others using them.
4. Productive Language use: Children begin to productively use the new language.
Your classroom teachers will encourage you to share books or music in your home language, family photos, special interests, and lists of common words your child uses in your home language to communicate needs. This information will help the teachers create a welcoming and comfortable environment for your child.
Watch Us Grow Child Care Learning Center has an open-door policy. You are welcome and encouraged to stop in at any time to visit your child, or to observe his/her room.
Child Abuse Policy
Our staff are mandated child abuse reporters and are required to report any suspected abuse, neglect, or maltreatment on the part of an employee, parent, or volunteer. Any abuse or maltreatment of a child, either as an incident of discipline or otherwise is prohibited. Any means of corporal punishment will not be tolerated. Additionally, withholding or using food, rest or sleep as a punishment is prohibited. If any type of abuse or neglect is suspected it will be reported to the State Central Registry at the mandated number –1-800-635-1522
Note: To read this policies in full, Please download our parent handbook here.